Report Fraud

The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency has an obligation to the citizens of North Carolina to conduct business in a legal and ethical manner. This includes protecting state and federal assets from fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement, and from behavior that does not enhance the public trust and confidence in our Agency. If you know of, or suspect, any fraud, waste or abuse related to the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, please contact one of the following:

Federal Funds:

Contact the US Government Accountability Office, call 800-424-5454 or email

Allegations of Fraud Associated with Treasury Programs click here

State Funds

Improper governmental conduct includes alleged fraud, misappropriation, mismanagement or waste of state resources. It also includes alleged violations of state or federal law, rule or regulation in administering state or federal programs, and substantial and specific danger to the public health and safety. Incidents may be reported anonymously to the Office of the State Auditor, which investigates allegations of improper governmental conduct by state agencies or state employees within their statutory authority.

Go to State Auditor, write to 2 South Salisbury Street, 20601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC  27699-0601, or call the Hotline at 1-800-730-TIPS.

All Instances of Suspected Fraud, Waste or Abuse

All persons which include but are not limited to, applicants, service providers, vendors, North Carolina constituents, partners and contractors can report as follows:

  1. Report online at:;
  2. Email:
  3. Call 1-800-730-8477

North Carolina General Statute § 126-84 encourages state employees to report fraud, waste, and abuse of state resources. Employees wishing to report complaints are protected from retaliation under General Statute § 126-85.